Proverb 29:18
Where there is no vision the people perish …

Definition of perish: To die or be destroyed through violence; to suffer destruction or ruined : to cease to exist; to suffer spiritual death...

How's your vision today? Do you see clearly who you are, or where you need to be at this juncture of your life? The word 'perish' is an interesting concept. Since there are many ways to perish without experiencing the physical process of non existence. In a spiritual sense, it can mean that you are living a life of unfulfilled purpose. 

A promising athlete who gets mixed up with the wrong crowd, ends up in jail and misses the opportunity to play professional sports.  A single woman never reaches her full beauty or potential because she has to work for minimal wedges to support a child born out of wedlock, and ends of struggling to live off low wedges the rest of her life. Collectively speaking, it could mean the mismanagement of the earth's assets, thereby losing resources that are irreplaceable...The list of ways to perish is endless, but the bottom line means this: unfulfilled purpose because something was destroyed.

Spiritual speaking, the writer of Proverbs is referring to the vision that comes with an understanding of God's Word. In other words if you don't know the Word of God, you have an incomplete vision of your life and this often causes loss, physically or materially -- or both.

In a way, that's what the Christian life is all about. Overcoming external obstacles through internal fortitude. Daily all men and women fight spiritual and natural battles against fear, insecurities, lack, disease, oppression, emotional and tangible upsets. The difference for the believer however, is that he should have an arsenal of defense.  Paul said it best in 2 Corinthians 10:4: "For the weapons of our warfare are not made of flesh [or things you can see], but our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses."

If you have a clear vision of God's Word for and toward you then you know that:
  • No weapon formed against you will prosper (Isaiah 54:17)
  • God is so intimately connected to your life that He knows how many hairs are on your head. (Matt. 10:30 - Luke 12:7)
  • You don't have to settle for things you don't want in your life, because He has a plan for forgiveness, and to give you the desires of your heart as you follow His word. (John 3: 16-17; 2 Cor. 5:17; Acts 3:19; Psalm 37:4 - Jer. 29:11...just to name a few)
  • In fact, it means that we are spiritual giants in Him and even if we are not up to the task before us, He won't let anything, nor anyone separate us from Him -- THAT'S LOVE! (Rom. 8:37-39; 11:29, 2 Peter 3:9)
  • ...In the end, no matter what the circumstances He's working it out. (Romans 8:28)

The list goes on and on, but my point is this. If you have just an inkling of understanding of God's love for you, and His promises toward you. It causes you to make more careful decisions about your life. And even when you make mistakes you understand His love is enough to get you back on track. 

No architect, plumber, business person, or medical practitioner moves forward with a project or treatment without a plan. Since the Gospel is God's plan for the human race, why not consult it daily to gain clear vision before proceeding. Reading the Bible is the best investment of time you can ever make. TODAY, is the best time to start consulting THE BOOK.

Just live it!

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Apostle Ralph Nichol, Editor-in-Chief
Rev. Dr. Dawn Nichol, Editor-at-Large / Children's Dept
Rev. Rosalind Nichol, On-Line Editor / Art Director
Chris & Nicole Nichol, Creative Direction
Rev. Vincent Ford, Writers-at-Large
Rev(s)Brandon & Cherise Rawls,, UTURN Youth Min.
Minister O. Florian Jenkins, Photographer

(c) 2014 Deliverance Evangelistic Center, Inc.
826 South 10th Street / Newark, NJ 07108

Deliverance Voice (DV) On-Line Edition, is a product of DEC Ministries, Inc., published quarterly from Newark, New Jersey, USA. For additional information about this publication or DEC Ministries please contact us at: or 973.824.7300; Business Office hours: MWF 9 am - 4 pm, Sunday Worship 11 am / Weekly Prayer Linve Tue 7 pm and Wed at noon